100th MSG’s proficiency, contingency readiness days

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Nash Truitt
  • 100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

How does the only air refueling wing on this side of the pond stay mission ready?

It’s Airmen, the most versatile and well trained “tool” the U.S. Air Force has, that’s how.

Airmen across the 100th Air Refueling Wing are transitioning to a new training regimen, that not only affects the mission but how the base operates.

“Every task that we practice can be directly related to operational plans that we are a part of,” said Col. Scott Metzler, 100th Mission Support Group commander. “We know what the tasks are, we know what the potential wartime tasks are going to be, and we are going out and doing them.”

The 100th ARW is implementing modernized, more involved training requirements for its squadrons. To meet this standard, the 100th MSG has created their new proficiency and contingency readiness days. These days are focused on Airmen getting more hands-on continuous experience in tasks to meet emerging needs of the U.S. Air Force.

The days of people scoffing and saying “yeah, sure, out for a training day” will become a saying of the past as the installation brings in the new year with the contingency readiness days.

“What we’re saying is exactly what we’re doing,” said Metzler. “We are focusing on proficiency and contingency readiness, and how it will affect base personnel.”

With new standards and expectations of Airmen, the way units operate will change. These changes affect how a customer facing workforce, like the 100th MSG, will solve problems.

Generally, you are right there in front of us when you need help. With this new focused approach to our proficiency, there will be days where normal operations are limited, added Metzler.

The 100th MSG aims to make these proficiency and contingency readiness days well known and not an unexpected surprise for Airmen on base.

We are going to provide a predictable well-known schedule for our customers, for instance we have Airmen who use the dining facility every day that will be affected. Services Airmen run that facility and will have to set up field kitchens on contingency days. It may mean hot meals are not available, but it will be open for to-go meals, added Metzler.

These current and upcoming changes to training days ensure the 100th ARW’s personnel meet operational needs of the force.

“We have heard the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force talk about mission ready Airmen, this is designed to support that,” said Metzler. “We need to be ready whether the actions are agile combat employment off base or based on internal needs to receive additional forces.”

The 100th ARW’s dedication to ensuring Airmen receive the highest quality of real hands-on training like proficiency and contingency readiness days play a pivotal role in creating a stronger U.S. Air Force.