100th CES commander leads by example to reduce energy bills

  • Published
  • By Gina Randall
  • 100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
October is energy awareness month. The 100th Civil Engineer Squadron is assisting base members with ideas to save energy year round. Reducing energy consumption not only saves the Air Force money, but also reduces the base's carbon footprint.

Everyone can do their part, such as ensuring lights and monitors are turned off when the room is not in use and keeping windows closed when the heating is on.

"The cost of using just one space heater for five hours a day for 100 days is $168.75," said Steve Perry, 100th CES base energy manager from Hockwold, England. "Think of how much money using a space heater costs. To help keep costs down, personnel should wear removable layers of clothing to help reduce heating costs during colder months."

Throughout the year, a large base population working in offices and shops bring high energy bills.

"A small to medium fridge powered 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year, costs the government $153.74," Perry explained.

An idea people may not think about is consolidating appliances into communal areas. By consolidating appliances, money and energy would be saved by providing one appliance with power instead of multiple appliances.

100th CES leadership is doing their part by consolidating appliances and encourages others to do the same in reducing energy consumption.

"Individual actions can add up to make a big difference in reducing our energy bills so that we can wisely use the money that we do have across the Air Force," said Lt. Col. Kevin Parker, 100th CES commander.

Parker saw an opportunity to save energy by removing a refrigerator from his office and using the communal one in the kitchen area. This may mean a longer walk to retrieve items, but would mean only supplying power to one appliance, rather than multiple ones in multiple offices.

The world is changing. With higher energy bills and a reduced Air Force budget, people must try to adapt to this change.

"Now we are trying to get folks to consolidate into kitchens rather than have everyone have appliances. The more appliances you have in your facility the higher the electricity bill, that's why we are doing it," Perry added.

People around base can follow Parker's example by consolidating their appliances into one location for communal use and those items that are no longer needed, should be disposed of safely.

"Government owned waste electrical and electronic equipment can be dropped off at our hazardous waste storage facility in Bldg. 820, who then disposes of it appropriately via the Defense Logistics Agency," Perry explained.

The hazardous waste storage is open between 1 to 3 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For more information about the hazardous waste storage call DSN 238-5647 or commercial at 01638 545647.

Non-government owned appliances should be taken to local household recycling centers. For a list of recycling centers visit