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  • By 011010
A Veteran's Day Remembrance Ceremony is scheduled for 11 a.m., Nov. 11, at the Cambridge American Cemetery at Madingley.

The ceremony will be held in commemoration of Veteran's Day and to honor Americans buried there who died in World War II.

The World War II Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial is located three miles west of Cambridge on the A1303. The site, 30.5 acres in extent, was donated by the University of Cambridge. Established on Dec. 7, 1943, the American Cemetery at Madingley is the only American World War II burial ground in England. The 3,800 white crosses and the Portland stone wall inscribed with 5,000 names, pay tribute to American servicemen and women who died in the war. There are 3,812 American military dead buried there. On the wall running from the entrance to the chapel has 5,126 names of Americans inscribed who gave their lives in the service of their country, but whose remains were never recovered or identified. Most of these died in the Battle of the Atlantic or in the strategic air bombardment of Northwest Europe during World War II.

The ceremony will feature members of the U.S. Military and the Royal Air Force. Guest speakers will be Commissioner Darrell L. Dorgan, American Battle Monuments Commission, and Royal Air Force Air Commodore Elaine West, Air Officer Commanding Directly Administered Units and Assistant Chief of Staff Support.

The ceremony will be open to the public. Media members with questions may call 01480 843 820.